My Top 10 Yugioh Decks

Having played for over 15 years, you can imagine the size of my collection. I enjoy reflecting on my many thousands of commons, keeping them rather than throwing them away or selling them in bulk.

Because of this, my deck count is close to 50. Only a dozen or so are viable, even coincidentally, to be fair, and the rest are either too old or based on terrible archetypes (looking at you, Ancient Gears, Vehicroids, and Six Samurais). ) .

Personally, using a wide variety of decks is the optimal way to enjoy Yugioh. Investing your budget in 1-2 competitive decks is the best way to win games and compete in tournaments, but I play casually.

To give you an idea of ​​what types of decks I play against, these are the ones I see most often:

  • summoned Shaddoll
  • Moonlight
  • Monarch
  • paleozoic frog
  • altergeist
  • cyber dragons
  • ghost

10. Beating

Worth: $15

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My premiere deck in the past, preserved in most of its former glory as the go-to deck for any new player to use.

It will be obliterated by competitive, or even casual decks nowadays, but for fun moments of dueling, the beaten deck is a constant source of surprise.

Eater of Millions will take care of the big boss monsters, while Ancient Gear Golem and Mirror Force Dragon will decimate my opponent’s field and graveyard.

9. Egyptian Kuriboh

Worth: $24

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I have tried very hard to make the Egyptian gods work for many years. They are amazing cards, the power of which should be unrivaled.

But unfortunately, they have many rivals and they are not even that strong.

However, Egyptian God structure decks did provide some support for divine beasts.

Paired with plenty of Kuriboh cards, you can constantly ward off enemy attacks, hoping to use Kuribohrn to provide plenty of tribute fodder.

Obelisk & Slifer are pretty decent when out in the field, especially when backed by Mound of the Bound Creator or March of the Monarchs.

The Winged Dragon of Ra is terrible, don’t bother using it.

8. Magnetic Warrior

Worth: $31

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Built specifically around using Imperion Magnum the Superconductive Battlebot as your victory condition.

You should aim to summon a lot of Magnet Warriors to use for Link or XYZ monsters.

Use the all-important seek/special summon power of Magnet Warriors to wait until you can summon Imperion Magnum.

Neo-Spacian Grandmole is there for targetless takedown, perfect for taking out big boss monsters.

7. exode

Worth: $28

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Most people build their Exodia decks to draw as many cards per turn as possible.

I prefer mine to stop and flood, preventing your opponent from playing his way, really helps to avoid being OTK.

Some draw cards are necessary, of course. I have had success against Dinos, Altergeists, and even Dark Magicians with this deck.

6. Dark Magician

Worth: $53

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The Dark Magician archetype is now an incredibly powerful casual deck if played right.

Many of the cards are quite expensive, no doubt due to how popular this deck is.

So I only have the cheapest cards, plus a few additions of my own, like Fog King and Cosmo Brain.

They help summon rank 7 XYZ monsters since they are the main focus.

Summon your bosses, use Eternal Soul and Dark Magical Circle to back them up.

You can choose to add the Dark Magician fusions as they are very strong as well.

I think they are too worn (personal opinion) so I don’t use them.


Worth: $34

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4. Harpy

Worth: $55

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Still getting used to this deck, I can summon Links, XYZs, or a Synchro monster in the same turn.

The problem is that I’m never sure which one to choose.

There are almost too many things to do for my feeble mind.

I’m not good with combo decks, for sure.

Having watched videos and practiced some dueling, I can say that Harpies could be quite powerful with the right duelist.

They’re supposed to get some new support sometime this year, fingers crossed that they become semi-competitive!

3. blue eyes

Worth: $94

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My personal favorite deck, the Blue-Eyes cards have held a place in my heart since I first encountered them many years ago.

Possibly the most fun and fair deck on this list, this deck is fully capable of taking down even the strongest decks.

As you often see in Yugioh, hand traps absolutely decimate this deck.

Even a single Ash Blossom can decide the matchup unless it hits an incredible hand.

For casual battles, my Blue-Eyes stands undefeated against a myriad of rogue decks like Cyber ​​Dragons and Ghostricks.

The object of the game is to get Spirit Dragon onto the field and go from there. You have options to go into Azure-Eyes, Crystal Wing, or some of the Rank 8 XYZ monsters.

2. cubic

Worth: $23


One of the weirder decks in Yugioh, Cubics can OTK any deck in the game if they are unprepared.

It’s not considered a combo deck or a control deck, but instead kind of sits in a weird middle ground between the two.

Crimson Nova is your main boss monster, it is unaffected by the effects of activated monsters if they have 3000 or less ATK. And he does 3000 damage to both players during my end phase.

Vijam and traps help deal with any threats until Crimson Nova can come out and play.

All cube spells/traps have effects in the graveyard for extra search power and protection.

If the time comes, it’s not too difficult to summon a bunch of monsters to summon Link!

1. Sky Raiders

Worth: $222

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Having recently built this deck after my friend had a bunch of spare Sky Striker cards, I can say that it’s the most competitive deck I’ve ever owned.

With Engage coming off the ban list, it’s even stronger. My copy hasn’t arrived yet, but I’ll be pulling out an Area Zero to add it.

Sky Strikers is all about control, there’s little in the way of big combos for big boards, we usually end up with just one monster.

Backed by hand traps, gates, and the Sky Striker spells, you can shut down most strategies before they do any damage.

That said, any type of anti-spell gate means an automatic loss for you. However, the deck must have some kind of weakness!

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